
Restaurant in Assisi

Hotel La Quiete

Traditional Umbrian dishes

Il restaurant Assisi, at the Hotel La Quiete, offers typical dishes of the Umbrian culinary culture such as real pesto pie, pork butchers, platters of local cheeses and cured meats and bruschetta with extra virgin olive oil D.O.P. Each dish offered by the restaurant in Assisi can be accompanied by a wide assortment of local and national wines from the rich wine cellar. In addition to the traditional menu, it is possible to taste excellent dishes deliberately designed to satisfy vegetarian, vegan and celiac customers. In the cool of the ancient eighteenth-century walls, you can enjoy the excellent typical Umbrian products, in particular of the lands of Assisi. An explosion of taste in the heart of Italy, thanks to a favorable climate and the fertility of the earth. The structure also has a large car park, a very rare detail in Assisi.

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An explosion of taste in the heart of Italy, thanks to a favorable climate and the fertility of the earth.

the rustic

1 Umbria white glass
(Grechetto Scacciadiavoli I.G.T.)

2 Umbria red glasses

Rosso Scacciadiavoli I.G.T.

Montefalco Scacciadiavoii D.O.C.

Bruschetta with extra virgin olive oil

bruschetta with truffle sauce

8,00 €


2 Umbria white glasses
(Grechetto Scacciadiavoli I.G.T. – Orvieto Classico superiore D.O.C.)
4 red glasses from Umbria and Tuscany
Montefalco Scacciadiavoli D.O.C.
Brunello di Montalcino D.O.C.G.
Sagrantino di Montefalco D.O.C.G.
Santa Cristina I.G.T.
Cured meats, cheeses, honey, chocolate
Grappa or bitter
Montefalco red grappa
Amaro del Priore

25,00 €


2 Umbria white glasses
( Grechetto Scacciadiavoli I.G.T. –
Laus Assisi 1.G.T. )

3 red glasses from Umbria and Tuscany

Rosso Scacciadiavoli I.G.T.

Montefalco Scacciadiavoi D.O.C

Chianti Leonardo D.O.C.

Bruschetta with Umbrian meats and cheeses

15,00 €


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